Odds and Ends

Autumn Leaves Are Free Money

“Leaves build soil, conserve water and best of all, control weeds. By using leaves as your compost and mulch you are restoring nutrients to the soil that leaves used in order to grow…They’re like a bank account that never runs dry.”

greenwichfreepress.com: Leaves Improve Gardens Autumn-atically

I always mow my leaves into my lawn. Keep your leaves, they are free money! I also think its crazy that people pay landscapers to cut their lawn short, remove the clippings and kill the beneficial “weeds” like clover, and then further pay to water and fertilize because the lawn is too short, the soil stays bad, and the grass becomes reliant on the overapplied nutrients. We should all be trying to minimize our turf grass anyway: Lawns Are an Ecological Disaster

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