Odds and Ends

Lean Philosophy

Given my experience and education, I have always been sort of philosophically aligned with the concepts in “Lean” management, production, and software development thought to have originated at Toyota in the 90’s. Using software as example, those are:

The next points are hopefully not a regurgitation of “Lean” principles so much as documentation of my perspective, and what to continually keep in mind while managing projects or developing software.

Here is a structure that I follow when executing a task or making a change:

It’s interesting that most if not all of these bullets can be not only applied to a lot of different management and development tasks, but projected to most of our day in and out of work. Consider that every task undertaken is in maintenance of one thing or another (good or bad)–a car, a home, a relationship, a community, etc. We are all part of a complex system with continually changing requirements and sometimes opposing goals. Our actions, changes we make, and the elements we focus on maintaining, all play a role.

Tags: development management lean